Nigeria typifies the classical example of living with Diabetes in a developing country where Diabetes is considered a social stigma and people are not eager to be termed or associated with it.
Developing countries like Nigeria have their peculiar challenges especially when such countries are still battling with communicable diseases and with increase industrialization opening doors to spread of T2DM.
We decided to take an innovative step by interviewing Mr Bolaji Lawal @BabanMoh , An investment banker with specialty in fixed income securities,capital market investment and corporate finance. He is a Type 2 Diabetic and resides in Port Harcourt (South South, Nigeria).

@theNGdoc: Brief Introduction of you sir and a summary of your journey so far as a PWD
Ans: I realized I was diabetic in December, 2010 after receiving malaria treatment and realized I was losing weight,My HCP quickly conducted a series of tests and informed me I was diabetic, he placed me on drugs
@theNGdoc: How has Living with diabetes affected your day to day activities?
Ans: Initially it was difficult but as I understood and got used to living with D,it became easier. Am hardly affected now.
@theNGdoc: How has the Nigeria health sector being able to improve your living with D?
Ans: I am eternally grateful to the University of Port Harcourt teaching hospital for saving my life.
@theNGdoc: Does the Health Care play any role in managing and preventing Type 2 Diabetes in your area?
Ans: Doctors in private practice need more training on management of DM,they can identify it easily but management needs improvement
@theNGdoc: What are the challenges faced by PWDs in Port Harcourt, Nigeria?
Ans: Quite a number but so many people are dying in Port Harcourt because of lack of proper management
@theNGdoc: Does the Health Care policy of Nigeria recognize the International Diabetes Charter of Rights and Responsibility of people living with PWD?
Ans: Please what is the Int'l Diabetes Charter of Rights and Responsibility about?
@theNGdoc: What ways can the Nigeria Diabetes online community, International Communities and Federal Government of Nigeria affect and help improve lives of PWDs in Nigeria in addition to activities already on ground.
Ans: Encourage a national weight loss program 2.Compel manufacturers to write the health risk on soft drinks, @DiabetiCare: @BabanMohD food and drinks industries in Nigeria should alert the masses on the health hazards linked to fizzy drinks jst like d tobacco ad does #ngdoc
@theNGdoc: We hope this interview serves as an eye opener and encourages other PWDs to speak out.Thank You all for your time Mr Bolaji Lawal
Thanks, pleasure is mine. Also like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Korubo and his team in Uniport Teaching Hosiptal
The purpose of this interview to encourage as many PWDs to identify with the Global diabetes online communities for care and support and to also help as many national and international organizations interested in Diabetes prevention (T2DM) and care (T1DM and T2DM) in developing countries get access to information directly from PWDs.
Full transcripts of the #tweetinterview can be gotten here
We are currently working on promoting the International Diabetes Federation Charter of Rights and Responsibilities of PWD in Nigeria
A big thank you to those that joined the #tweetinterview on the 1st of April 2013 @theNGdoc
We also wish to appreciate Mr Bolaji Lawal for being a part of this event.